I’m So Glad There’s Someone



I’m So Glad There’s Someone

Written by Ruth Bures

Illustrated by Amy Kleinhans


Children’s | Social Emotional Learning | Self-Control 

ISBN PB: 9781645385271

ISBN HC: 9781645385288




I’m So Glad is a positive and uplifting story that contains a template for healthy communication about feelings. The words validate a range of emotions that children (and adults) experience, from anger to loneliness, to sadness, to happiness. It also provides a guide to discussing these feelings, without judgment, for both the listener (child) and the reader (mentor/adult/parent) that does not patronize or criticize the child.



Ruth Anfinson Bures graduated from Drake University (BME) and St. Mary’s University (ME, EdD). She is a parent, grandparent, poet, musician, and music teacher. She has taught music at all levels, from preschool through university. As a songwriter, she has dedicated herself to creating quality songs and poetry for children. She wrote the lyrics and music for Here Comes Christmas, a musical published by Clarus Music Ltd., and created a large collection of songs for young people called “Ruth’s Original Songs for Children.”

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Hardcover, Paperback