Aquarius: Book Eleven in the ZODIAC DOZEN SERIES


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Aquarius: Book Eleven in the ZODIAC DOZEN SERIES

Written by Oliver Bestul



Middle Grade Fiction – Adventure – Astrological Mythology

ISBN 9781645385332



When the watery warrior Darius fused himself with the Earth’s oceans to pad the planet against an impact with Venus, he didn’t count on the kind of recuperation that would be required of him afterward. Now, despite his best attempts, he can’t seem to grow any bigger than his usual size, rendering much of his power useless. All this at a time when the Dozen must get themselves from Wisconsin to Florida fast!

In just a few days, the Artemis Omega rocket will launch from the Kennedy Space Center; if the friends have any hope of finally defeating the evil entity Night, they need to catch that flight! Unable to simply carry them there like he usually would, Darius is forced to use a method of transportation a little less fantastic: a van.

Hopefully, his limited driving experience will prove enough to get him and his friends across the country, in time for NASA’s latest rocket launch. Not only will he have the clock to contend with, but his own conflicting emotions, the interstate’s crazed trucker population, and a much more sinister threat than that!



Oliver Bestul lives in the Bay View neighborhood of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and has been writing there since he was in his teens.

With a picture book, a few plays, some poetry, and a feature-length film under his belt, he decided to try his hand at entertaining a new kind of audience: middle-schoolers! Inspired by the chapter books and comics of his youth, he sat down and started The Zodiac Dozen, a 12-book superhero series for kids!

In writing the series, he likes to say he gives his young readers a lot of credit, challenging them to explore new vocabulary, genres, and life outlooks. Like the twelve main characters of his books, he’s excited to grow from the adventure alongside his audience!

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