Humility: The Key to Greatness
Humility: The Key to Greatness
By Rev. William Grimbol
Humility: The Key to Greatness explores the concept of legacy between two lifelong friends – Manuel Barrera, Jr. and Bill Grimbol. They knew each other in their youth in Racine, Wisconsin and began discussing how they wanted to be remembered when they reached their seventies. Through poignant discussions and deep questions, they pushed each other to really examine what they had accomplished and how they had truly spent their precious days. While working on the project, Manuel passed away from multiple sclerosis leaving Bill to decide if he should continue or not. Thankfully, he chose to see the project through. This book is a source of great insight about what living a meaningful life entails, ways to seek and share goodness, as well as a tribute to a truly great man, his good friend, Manuel.
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