It’s the Fourth of July!



It’s the Fourth of July!

by Kylie Whyman

Illustrated by Monique Machut


ISBN PB: 9781645386957
ISBN HC: 9781645387558


Children’s Picture Book

Holiday – USA – Feel-good



The Fourth of July is our country’s birthday.

We celebrate her, the U-S-of-A!


Dive into the magic of America’s birthday with author Kylie Wyman’s second holiday book, It’s the Fourth of July! This beautifully illustrated book invites you to join the characters as they celebrate the day with parades, carnivals, and sparklers. The fun doesn’t stop with the fireworks! Young readers will learn about what makes this country so great, diving into themes of family,

friendship, and community.


It’s the Fourth of July is a story that celebrates tradition, hard work, and taking care of our communities, reminding us that even the smallest acts of kindness can make us all shine brighter!



Kylie Wyman is a children’s book author, an elementary school teacher, and a mother of two. Always an avid reader herself with a love for children’s books, Kylie has sought out all varieties of books to fill her shelves at home and in the classroom. Holidays are the perfect time for her to find and share new stories.

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Hardcover, Paperback