Mr. Fox Sells Pockets


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Mr. Fox Sells Pockets

Written by Mark Dantzler

Illustrated by Leighton Noyes


Children’s Picture Book

Humor | Kindness | Social & Emotional Learning


ISBN PB: 9781645385684

ISBN HC: 9781645385677



Mr. Fox is a gifted tailor but a much craftier salesman. One day, the clever fox makes a plan to sell handmade pockets to everyone in town—whether they need one or not! Will the slick fox fool his friends and fill his own pocket with shiny coins?


This delightful fable teaches a lesson about greediness. Can the mischievous Mr. Fox learn right from wrong? Follow the fun in this beautifully-illustrated picture book!


While reading, you can also keep an eye out for our small, skittish friend. How many times can you spot Little Mouse?



Mark Dantzler is a retired teacher who lives with his family in Maryland. He is an award-winning author of several children’s books, including the Lester Zester series, Gremlin Night, and Mr. Fox Sells Pockets.

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Hardcover, Paperback