Pisces: Book Twelve in the ZODIAC DOZEN SERIES


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Pisces: Book Twelve in the ZODIAC DOZEN SERIES

Written by Oliver Bestul



Middle Grade Fiction – Adventure – Astrological Mythology

ISBN 9781645386230



The time has come at last for Sierra and her friends to face off against the evil conquerer Night on the far side of the Moon. With their unique star-powered abilities, their year’s worth of training, and the strong bonds of their friendship, they might just have a chance. First, however, they have to make the 240,000-mile journey to meet him!

After using their powers to infiltrate NASA and commandeer the Artemis Omega rocket, the Dozen find themselves strapped in for quite the trip: a four-day voyage through outer space to what might be their final destination! Will doubts and second thoughts arise during the friends’ flight to Night? Will the vacuum of space and the pressure of their mission finally cause the team to crack? Will Sierra ever figure out how to properly use a zero-gravity space toilet?

These might be only the beginnings of the Dozen’s worries, for when they land on the Moon’s cold unforgiving surface, evil itself will be ready for them. Armed with the Orb of the Zodiac, the contagious power of negative thinking, and the very same enhanced abilities as all the Dozen, the colossal villain Night is sure to prove a worthy opponent! Will the light of love and friendship or the dark of Night end up victorious? It all comes down to this!



Oliver Bestul lives in the Bay View neighborhood of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and has been writing there since he was in his teens.

With a picture book, a few plays, some poetry, and a feature-length film under his belt, he decided to try his hand at entertaining a new kind of audience: middle-schoolers! Inspired by the chapter books and comics of his youth, he sat down and started The Zodiac Dozen, a 12-book superhero series for kids!

In writing the series, he likes to say he gives his young readers a lot of credit, challenging them to explore new vocabulary, genres, and life outlooks. Like the twelve main characters of his books, he’s excited to grow from the adventure alongside his audience!

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