See You by the Tree


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See You by the Tree

Written by Amy Eckenstahler

Illustrated by Aubrey Burgart


Children’s | Family

26 pages

For ages: 0-12

PB ISBN: 9781645382416

HC ISBN: 9781645382423



Have you ever missed someone so much that your heart ached? Has someone you loved felt too far away . . . that you would give anything to hug them tight?

No matter the distance between you and someone you love, and no matter what is going on in our lives, there is a special magical place where you can be with this person every single night. Just close your eyes and fall deep asleep. Look for the big beautiful tree in your dreams . . . it is there, look hard. Someone special, who is missing you too, will be there waiting. Sweet dreams.


Please contact Shannon Ishizaki for wholesale pricing options:

shannon@orangehatpublishing | 414-212-5477

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Hardcover, Paperback