STACKED Against the Odds


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STACKED Against the Odds: Life with Autism and How a Unique Sport Changed My Life

a memoir by Jesse L. Horn



Memoir – Sports – Autism Spectrum – Inspirational

116 pages

ISBN: 9781645381143



Jesse Horn came into the world a perfectly sweet baby boy, but when he was two years old, things started to change. He wouldn’t make eye contact, he wouldn’t speak, and his temperament became unpredictable. After seeking a diagnosis, the family’s fears were confirmed: Jesse had autism. After two years of Applied Behavioral Analysis Therapy, life started changing once again. At the age of nine, a chance encounter with a unique sport would help Jesse discover a passion that would skyrocket his personal growth and allow him to embrace a newfound sense of self-confidence.

His story will lead families facing autism to hope: hope that those with autism are so much more than a diagnosis. They are capable of discovering life-fulfilling passions and defining for themselves what it is to live with autism.

Jesse has gone on to earn international titles in Sport Stacking with Team USA, is a motivational speaker and ambassador, and has guest-starred on CBS’s The Doctors.



Jesse L. Horn continues to excel in the world of Sport Stacking, while also using his voice to inspire those with autism. His goal is to let every person with autism know that they are much more than a diagnosis. They are capable and worthy of finding their passions and running with them as far as they can. With patience, perseverance, and a curious mind everyone can find a passion that brings them joy and fulfillment in their lives.

If interested in booking Jesse for a presentation, please visit for more information.



“His accomplishments as a stacker are overshadowed only by the grit and determination he demonstrates in overcoming circumstances that would be overwhelming for most of us. If you need a bright spot to walk towards, read this book.” – Larry Goers, CEO of the World Sport Stacking Association.

“Jesse not only tells his personal story but the story of thousands of individuals who live with autism.” – Lily Rider, CESA 4, Director of Itinerant Services/Kompas Care, AT/Autism Educational Consultant