The Mouse and the Inbetween


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The Mouse and the Inbetween

Written by Chet Celenza

Illustrated by Adeline Celenza


“A mouse one day with eyes a gleam,

Tried to find the ‘Inbetween.’

He looked about and saw it not.

Still curious, some help he sought.”

A small mouse suddenly had a burning question to which he needed an answer. “Where can I find the ‘Inbetween’?”

Little did he know his question would lead him to a place so vast, and yet, so simple. A place inside him that connected him to everything!

Author Chet Celenza is a fella who tries to do important things for children. He’s been a teacher for twenty-three years, a professional arborist and musician for forty years, and enjoys being a folk-dance teacher and amateur woodworker. He loves writing and telling stories that awaken us all to the need to connect with each other.

Illustrator Adeline Celenza, daughter of Chet Celenza, is a Chicago-based artist whose focus is painting. She creates original visual art in addition to her commissions. Adeline received her BFA from Montana State University in 2017.

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Hardcover, Paperback