I Was Wrong, But We Can Make it Right: Achieving Racial Equality


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I Was Wrong, But We Can Make it Right: Achieving Racial Equality

By John Haydon


I Was Wrong, But We Can Make It Right: Achieving Racial Equity presents an effective way forward to meet the following challenge: For America to survive and flourish, it is imperative that its institutions and social order be harmonious with its fundamental principles, including its overriding purpose to provide liberty and justice for all. Racism has infected American institutions and social order in direct contrast to these principles. This book responds to this contradiction. The goal of this book is to contribute directly to the transformation necessary for America to operate in a way that is consistent with its ideals.

This  book contains a personal narrative of the gradual change from a white person unmindful of the scourge of racism to one committed to building a just society, a more perfect union, and, in particular, to achieving racial equality. This book also provides historical and other necessary information for understanding racism and its consequences, as well as actions each of us can take to end it.

Part One of the book recounts the author’s personal journey – from being oblivious to the oppression of African Americans, to speaking out about America’s failure to live up to its principles. Part Two of the book contains an analysis of racism and the means for achieving racial equality.

In sum, this book is an honest revelation of one person’s path to greater understanding, and to help others along theirs, so that one day reconciliation will replace animosity, and racism will become a long-departed anomaly.

Author John Haydon is a retired attorney who learned about the challenges facing minorities from his service as a volunteer counselor at the Milwaukee Rescue Mission. This fostered a desire to learn more about racism and to contribute to racial healing and equality. In the summer of 2016, he retired from his sixteen-year service at the Mission and enrolled as an audit student in the field of Africology (African American studies; the department is now titled African and African Diaspora Studies) at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. This included research, preparing a monograph regarding the effects of racism, making presentations, writing essays, and participating in racial reconciliation efforts. These activities have culminated in this book. John is actively involved in charitable work and continuing his research and presentations, consistent with his purpose to replace racism with equality and justice.

If this book is out of stock, contact Michael (michael@orangehatpublishing.com) for order options. 

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Hardcover, Paperback